
Date Week Topic Link
23.02.2016 1. Course organization. Intro to Python. Ex. 1
01.03.2016 2. Bayesian and non-bayesian decision tasks. Ex. 2
08.03.2016 3. Linear regression. Ex. 3
15.03.2016 4. Non-linear regression via basis expansion. Logistic regression. Ex. 4
22.03.2016 5. Training and testing error. Crossvalidation. Ex. 5
29.03.2016 6. Classification and regression trees. ROC. Learning curves. Ex. 6
05.04.2016 7. Intro to semestral task nr 1. Ex. 7
12.04.2016 8. Work and consultations for semestral task nr 1. Ex. 8
19.04.2016 9. HTN in JSHOP2. Installation, basics. Ex. 9
26.04.2016 10. JSHOP2, methods, operators, examples. Ex. 10
03.05.2016 11. JSHOP2: Soldiers and monsters Ex. 11
10.05.2016 12. MDP: Value iteration Ex. 12
17.05.2016 13. Semestral tasks 2 and 3: Consultations Ex. 13
24.05.2016 14. Semestral task 3: Consultations Ex. 14