Permutation scheduling

Author: Radek Mařík
Edit: Tibor Strašrybka

The following files are to be included in a single zip archive:

  1. Source code solving the scheduling problem. Use an appropriate programming language or a computational environment.
  2. Input data file, see the following description.
  3. A file including results according to following guidelines:
    1. A list with the starting schedule.
    2. A list with durations of all tasks $p_j$.
    3. A list with deadlines $d_j$.
    4. A list with weights of each task task $w_j$.
    5. Find the best schedule and its price for each step.
    6. The best schedule, including its price.

All tasks are based on the following specification of a scheduling problem:

  1. Permutation scheduling and a single machine $1|d_j|\sum w_j \cdot T_j$
  2. Find the optimal schedule using tabu search.

We suggest that you create a smaller instance of the problem and use it verify that your program behaves correctly.

Scheduling problem assignment