====== Basic BASH commands ====== This page lists a few basic BASH commands that you should be familiar with. Remember that the ''man'' command is your friend. Remember that you can search within manual pages (''/''). ===== Information about the system ===== * ''uname'' -- shows basic information about the system * ''uname -a'' -- show all * ''uname -r'' -- kernel release * ''lsb_release -a'' -- shows distribution specific information ===== Filesystem ===== * ''ls'' -- list the current directory * ''ls -la'' -- long listing of all files (inc. hidden) * ''mv'' -- move/rename file * ''cp'' -- copy file * ''rmdir'', ''mkdir'' -- remove/create directory * ''rm'' -- remove file (use with caution!) * ''rm -i'' -- remove interactively (asks) * ''chmod'' -- change file permissions * ''chown'' -- change file group/owner ===== Users ===== * ''who'' -- show who is logged in * ''w'' -- show who is logged in and their task * ''last'' -- show listing of last logged users ===== Processes ===== * ''top'' (interactive, exit by ''q'') * ''ps'' -- report snapshot of current process(es). Note that it has two types of syntax, see ''man ps'' * ''kill'' -- send signal to a process ===== Filters ===== * ''sort'' * ''uniq'' * ''awk'' * ''grep'' * ''cut'' * ''wc'' * ''wc -l'' -- count lines * ''sed'' * ''tr'' ===== Editors ===== These are up to some level interactive. Make sure you are at least able to edit and save a file using ''vim'' or ''vi''. It is sometimes very helpful on some simpler systems. * ''nano'' * ''pico'' * ''vim'' -- has 'edit' and 'command' mode. Syntax highlight can be turned on '':syn on'' * ''emacs'' ===== Remote Access ===== * ''ssh'' -- secure shell * ''scp'' -- secure copy * ''ping'' -- test response of a machine (i.e.: if it is online)