Laboratory Exercises

Laboratory exercise mainly serves to acquire practical experience of the programming skills. The results of the tasks should be uploaded to: The aim of the exercise is to apply the constructs explained in lectures at an example, which is derived from daily-used applications.

Exercises at glance

#TWeek Week Wednesday
01 39. 27.09. - Lab01
02 40. 04.10. - Lab02
03 41. 11.10. - Lab03
04 42. 18.10. - Lab04
05 43. 25.10. - Lab05
06 44. 01.11. - Lab06
07 45. 08.11. - Midterm exam
08 46. 15.11. - Midterm exam corrections
09 47. 22.11. - Lab09
10 48. 29.11. - Lab10
11 49. 06.12. - Lab11
12 50. 13.12. - Lab11 - HW05 consultation
13 51. 20.12. - Lab12 - HW05 consultation
14 02. 10.01. - No lab. HW5 evaluation done during lecture