===== Lab 2: Lists ===== The main purpose is to practice elementary recursive manipulation with lists. Lists can be decomposed by functions ''car'' and ''cdr''. On the other hand, lists can be built by functions ''cons'', ''list'' or ''append''. Also higher-order functions ''filter'' and ''map'' can be used as they were introduced in the second lecture (''map'' only applied to a single list). **Exercise 1:** Write the function ''(my-reverse lst)'' taking a list ''lst'' and returning a list consisting of elements from ''lst'' in the reverse order. E.g. ''(my-reverse '(a b c)) => (c b a)''. The function should use the tail recursion. //Hint:// The idea is to use an accumulator ''acc'' storing the intermediate result. We start with an empty accumulator and recursively deconstruct the list ''lst'' element by element by means of ''car,cdr'' and join them to the accumulator by ''cons''. The computation for ''lst = '(a b c)'' and ''acc = '()'' go as follows: ^ ''(cdr lst)'' ^ ''(cons (car lst) acc)'' ^ | '(b c) | '(a) | | '(c) | '(b a) | | '() | '(c b a) | ++++ Solution | (define (my-reverse lst [acc '()]) (if (null? lst) acc (my-reverse (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) acc)))) Note that using the accumulator is a general concept. ++++ **Exercise 2:** Write a function ''(letter-frequencies str)'' which takes a string ''str'' and returns a histogram of letters occurring in ''str'' so that the most frequent characters come first. The histogram is just a list of pairs ''(char . num)'' where ''char'' is a character and ''num'' is the number of its occurrences in ''str''. E.g. ''(letter-frequencies "good") => ((#\o . 2) (#\d . 1) (#\g . 1))''. The string ''str'' should be first converted into lowercase characters so that ''#\A'' and ''#\a'' represent the same character. Non-alphabetic characters should be removed. //Idea:// The function ''letter-frequencies'' is just a composition of several functions. string-downcase -> string->list -> filter-alphabetic -> sort -> group-same -> join-lengths -> sort - The function ''string-downcase'' translates all characters into lowercase letters and it is implemented in racket. - The function ''string->list'' is implemented as well and it decomposes a given string into a list of its characters. - Then non-alphabetic characters can be filter out by ''filter'' function using the predicate ''char-alphabetic?''. - To compute the number of occurrences of characters, we apply ''sort'' function which groups together the same characters, e.g. ''(sort '(#\c #\z #\c) char (#\c #\c #\z)''. The function ''sort'' takes as its second argument a boolean function taking two arguments and comparing them. - The function ''group-same'' scans the input list and returns a list consisting of lists of the same consecutive characters, e.g. ''(group-same '(#\c #\c #\z)) => ((#\c #\c) (#\z))''. - The function ''join-lengths'' creates for each group of the same character a pair of the for (char . num) where the number of occurrences num is computed by function ''length''. - Finally, the output is sorted by numbers of occurrences. The function ''group-same'' is the only recursive function in our program. It has to keep as an intermediate result a partially built group of the same character. If the new character ''(car l)'' coming from the list is the same as the current character in the group, the partial group is extended by this character. Once the new character ''(car l)'' differs from the current character in the group, the partial group is closed, joined to the output and a new group is created. ++++ Solution | (define (group-same lst) (define (iter l gr) (cond ([null? l] (list gr)) ([eqv? (car gr) (car l)] (iter (cdr l) (cons (car gr) gr))) (else (cons gr (iter (cdr l) (list (car l))))))) (if (null? lst) '() (iter (cdr lst) (list (car lst))))) (define (join-lengths grs) (map (lambda (g) (cons (car g) (length g))) grs)) (define (letter-frequencies str) (sort (join-lengths (group-same (sort (filter char-alphabetic? (string->list (string-downcase str))) char #:key cdr)) ; Might be more readable: #| (define (letter-frequencies-2 str) (let* [(lowercase (string-downcase str)) (listified (string->list lowercase)) (alphabetic (filter char-alphabetic? listified)) (sorted-chars (sort alphabetic char #:key cdr))] sorted-occurs)) |# ++++ If you wish, you can use function ''file->string'' to check letter frequencies in any file, for instance in Shakespeare's [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fFrMtcTdlt3GHHFkDnuxM7igCVs_JmtZ/view?usp=sharing|Sonnets]] by calling ''(letter-frequencies (file->string "sonnets.txt"))'' and comparing the result with the letter frequencies in English alphabet [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_frequency|Wikipedia]]. **Task 1:** Write a function ''(average-list lst)'' taking a list of numbers ''lst'' and returning their arithmetical average. E.g. ''(average-lst '(1 2 3)) => 2''. The function should be tail-recursive. //Hint:// As the function should be tail-recursive, it has to use an accumulator storing a partial sum of elements from the list. Finally, the resulting sum is divided by the number of all elements in the list. For the number of elements in ''lst'', you can use the function ''length''. Depending on your implementation function can return precise rational numbers like ''(average-list '(0 1)) => 1/2''. If you want to have the usual floating-point representation, use the function ''exact->inexact'' transforming the result into imprecise floting-point representation. ++++ Solution | (define (average-list lst) (define (iter l acc) (if (null? l) acc (iter (cdr l) (+ acc (car l))))) (exact->inexact (/ (iter lst 0) (length lst)))) ++++ **Task 2:** Taking an inspiration from the ''group-same'' function, write a function ''(split-list n lst)'' which takes a natural number ''n'' and a list ''lst'' and returns a list of lists consisting of ''n''-tuples of consecutive elements from ''lst''. E.g. ''(split-list 2 '(a b 1 2 3 4)) => ((a b) (1 2) (3 4))''. In case the number of elements is not divisible by ''n'', make the last list in the output shorter. E.g. ''(split-list 3 '(a b 1 2)) => ((a b 1) (2))''. Using functions ''split-list'' and ''average-list'' from the previous task, write a function ''(n-block-average n lst)'' which splits a given list of numbers ''lst'' into ''n''-tuples of consecutive numbers and returns a list of averages of these ''n''-tuples. E.g. ''(n-block-average 2 '(1 3 1 5)) => (2 3)''. //Hint:// The function ''split-list'' needs two accumulators. The first accumulator keeps a partially built segment of consecutive elements and the second tracks how many elements we have to read from the list to complete the ''n''-tuple of consecutive elements. ++++ Solution | (define (split-list n lst) (define (iter l k segment) (cond ([null? l] (list segment)) ([zero? k] (cons segment (iter l n '()))) (else (iter (cdr l) (- k 1) (append segment (list (car l))))))) (iter lst n '())) (define (n-block-average n lst) (map average-list (split-list n lst))) ++++