Table of Contents

Timetable at FEE Students of ePAL Upload system BRUTE Discussion board


Problem sets with comments/solutions

Extra online consultations will be organized during semester weeks 10. - 14. to discuss presented solutions in problem set 1.-8.

Online consultations

Consultation 1

Consultation date: Tue 24.11., 16:15-17:45

The discussed topics of the consultation were topics 5. and 6. - Isomorphism and Combinatorial generation (see the documents above), those correspond to lectures 5. and 6.

Consultation 2

The discussed topics of the consultation will be topics 3. and 4. - Directed graphs and Heaps (see the documents above), those correspond to lectures 3. and 4.

Your course of action:

1. Note the consultation date: Mon 30.11., 11:00-12:30

2. Check the solutions/comments of the given topics 3. and 4. above. Mark the solutions which, in your opinion, need more explanation or corrections and which you would like to understand better.

3. Go to the poll Advanced Algorithms Consultation 2 and tick the boxes at the corresponding problems from topics 3. and 4. above, where you demand more explanation.
Complete this step before 10:00 PM Sunday 29.11.
The consultations will discuss primarily the problems in the highest demand.

The Basics

Introduction and repetitions

Upload system

Training homework problem

Training problem: Problem statement and public data

1st week

First homework problem

Laser Highways

Exam topics

2nd week

Supplementary problems for missing online practices are available: in pdf .
Solve problems 1-5 and one of problems 6-10 according to your choice. Send a photo of your solutions by 6.10., to with cc to

Problems for personal training: Directed graphs, strongly connected components, Eulerian graphs:
set 1, set 2.

Exam topics

3rd week

Exam topics

4th week

Exam topics

5th week

Kreher, Stinson: Combinatorial Algorithms, notes:

Exam topics

6th week

Exam topics

7th week

Exam topics

8th week

Exam topics

9th week

Primes and pseudorandom numbers – Example problems .

Exam topics

10th week

Exam topics

11th week

Exam topics
2-3-4 trees and B+ trees. Asymptotic complexity of particular search tree operations.

12th week

Exam topics
KD trees, search for Nearest Neighbour in 2D.

13th week

In preparation

Exam topics

14th week

In preparation
* Radix trie, Patricia trie, segment tree.

Exam topics
* Radix trie, Patricia trie, segment tree.

Search Trees Interactive Animations

Problems in Czech

Week Topics Problems
1. Asymptotic complexity, graphs basics cv01.docx
2. MST
3. Strong connectivity, Eulerian path
4. Heaps haldy.docx
5. Graph isomorphism cviso-1.doc
6. Ranking, combinatorial objects generators kombi1.docx
7. DFA, NFA 1 ata1.docx
8. DFA, NFA 2
9. DFA, NFA 3 ata3.docx
10. Prime numbers and random generators cvrndprimes.docx
11. Skip list, B/B+ tree cv11_2015.docx
12. Splay, AVL, RB tree opakování, AVL, splay , B, splay.
13. kD-trees cv13mb.docx
14. Trie cv14_2017.docx

some data