Computational Geometry

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No. Date Topic Homework
1. 4.10. Introduction to the form of the seminars. Selection of topics for assignment.
2. 11.10. Notes: Robustness of geometric predicates and constructs.
First homework assignment (DL. week 5)
3. 18.10. No presentation. Test the upload system by uploading any .txt file
4. 25.10. Student Presentation, discussion, presentation evaluation
5. 1.11. Student Presentation. Second homework assignment (DL. week 9) First homework DL
6. 8.11. No presentation.
7. 15.11. Student Presentation.
8. 22.11. Student Presentation. Third homework assignment (DL. week 13)
9. 29.11. No presentation. Second homework DL
10. 6.12. Student Presentation.
11. 13.12. Student Presentation.
12. 20.12. Student Presentation.
13. 3.1. Student Presentation. Third homework DL
14. 10.1. Reserve