Task11 - Greedy policy in pursuit-evasion

The main task is to implement a simple $\epsilon$-greedy policy for robotics pursuit-evasion game.

Deadline 15. December 2018, 23:59 PST
Points 3
Label in BRUTE Task11
Files to submit archive with player
Minimal content of the archive: player/Player.py
Resources Task11 resource files


In file player/Player.py in function greedy_policy implement the $\epsilon$-greedy policy decision making for pursuit-evasion game. The pursuit-evasion problem is a problem in computer science where a set of pursuers is trying to catch a set of evaders.

In greedy policy, the next-best state is selected in each discrete step of the game simulation without considering longer prediction horizon.
Usual policies incorporate distances between individual agents as follows:

In $\epsilon$-greedy policy, the $\epsilon$ parameter gives the probability, with which the robot selects the next-step according to the above strategy. I.e., when $\epsilon=1$ the robot selects the next step according to the rules described above, when $\epsilon=0$ the robot selects its next step randomly.

In each step of the game, the player has to move all its robots for a single step (4-neighborhood).

The greedy_policy function has the following prescription:

    def greedy_policy(self, gridmap, evaders, pursuers, epsilon=1):
        Method to calculate the greedy policy action
        gridmap: GridMap
            Map of the environment
        evaders: list((int,int))
            list of coordinates of evaders in the game (except the player's robots, if he is evader)
        pursuers: list((int,int))
            list of coordinates of pursuers in the game (except the player's robots, if he is pursuer)
        epsilon: float (optional)
            optional epsilon-greedy parameter

The purpose of the function is to internally update the self.next_robots variable, which is a list of (int, int) robot coordinates based on the current state of the game, given gridmap grid map of the environment and the player's role self.role. The player is given the list evaders of all evading robots in the game other than his robots and the list of pursuers of all pursuing robots in the game other than his robots. I.e., the complete set of robots in game is given as the union of evaders, pursuers and self.robots.

During the gameplay, each player is asked to update their intention for the next move coded in the self.next_robots variable by calling the calculate_step function. Afterward, the step is performed by calling the take_step̈́ function followed by the game checking each step, whether it complies to the rules of the game.

The game ends after a predefined number of steps or when all the evaders are captured.


The recommended approach to the $\epsilon$-greedy policy implementation is following:


The correctness of the greedy approach can be well checked with pacman_1.game which is shown in the following figure

The decision of the pursuers is straight-forward; however, the correctness of the evader decision can be checked. Note, the evader selects the most distant node to the closest pursuer. If you select the closest node to all pursuers, the robot will directly intercept the pursuer to the left.