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FF-Replan Tutorial: Robot Emil

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Robust replanning

Download slightly modified environment. In this environment, using the planning algorithm used in previous task, implement iterative planning from plan failure nodes, the basic step of the Rubust FF:

  1. Run planner to find plan in determinized environment. Save this plan as partial policy.
  2. Find failure nodes of current partial policy.
  3. Create plans from the failure nodes found in previous step.
  4. Add plans from the previous step to the partial policy. Go back to 2.

Report plan failure rate as dependent on the number of passes over steps 2. - 3. using 1000 runs in the environment.

Use class PlanFailuere to report to the simulator failure of the plan. Use agent method resetAgent() to restore agent to its original state. You can retain plan from previous simulation runs.

Tips & Tricks